Visitor counter

You can display a page’s view count on your website by adding a HTML document or image.

Note: you will need to enable “Allow adding visitor counts on your website” in your site settings; this defaults to off to prevent unintentional leaking of data.

The easiest way to do this is from the JavaScript integration:

    // Append to the <body>; can use a CSS selector to append somewhere else.
    window.goatcounter.visit_count({append: 'body'})
<script data-goatcounter=""
        async src="//"></script>

You want to make sure the count.js script is loaded before calling this; for example:

    var t = setInterval(function() {
        if (window.goatcounter && window.goatcounter.visit_count) {
            window.goatcounter.visit_count({append: 'body'})
    }, 100)
<script data-goatcounter=""
        async src="//"></script>

You can also remove the async attribute.

An example of how this looks with the default settings:



The goatcounter.visit_count() function accepts an object with the following options:

Setting Description
append HTML selector to append to, can use CSS selectors as accepted by querySelector(). Default is body.
type Type to add: html, svg, or png. Default is html.
path Path to display; normally this is detected from the URL, but you can override it.
no_branding Don’t display “by GoatCounter” branding
attr HTML attributes to set or override for the element, only when type is html.
style Extra CSS styling for HTML or SVG; only when type is html or svg.
start Start date; default is to include everything. As year-month-day or week, month, year for this period ago.
end End date; default is to include everything. As year-month-day.

The HTML variant is recommended for most people as it’s the easiest to customize with CSS. The SVG version can be customized to some degree with CSS as well, and the PNG version is a fixed 200×80 image which can’t be customized.

The default size is 200×80, or 200×60 if no_branding is added. You can override the size by adding width and height in attr.

The special path TOTAL (case-sensitive, no leading /) can be used to display the site totals.

The images are cached for 30 minutes, so new pageviews don’t show up right away.


You can add the style option to customize the looks, this only works for HTML and SVG.

Things you can style:

div                 Div Wrapper; HTML only.
#gcvc-border        Border rect; SVG only.
#gcvc-for           "Views for this page" text.
#gcvc-views         Number with views.
#gcvc-by            “stats by GoatCounter” text.

For example, to get a dark colour scheme:

goatcounter.visit_count({append: '#stats', style: `
    div { border-color: #fff; background-color: #222; color: #fff; }

Or the same for SVG:

goatcounter.visit_count({append: '#stats', type: 'svg', style: `
    #gcvc-border { fill: #222; stroke: #fff; }
    #gcvc        { fill: #fff; }

Direct URLs

You don’t need to use the JavaScript integration, you can also add an iframe or image “directly”; the paths are in the form of:[PATH].[EXT]
  • The [PATH] is the full path, including a leading /.
  • The [EXT] is the html, png, svg, or json extension.

For example will display the view account for /, and will display the view count for /test.html.

There are four query parameters: no_branding, style, start, and end, which correspond to the settings in the table.


The .json extension will return the pageview count in JSON; you can’t use this with a HTML tag but it can be used if you want to build your own counter in JavaScript.

It returns an Object with count, containing the total number of visitors as a formatted string with thousands separators.

There is also a count_unique field for backwards compatibility; the value is identical to count. This should not be used for new code.

A simple example usage:

<div>Number of visitors: <div id="stats"></div></div>

    var r = new XMLHttpRequest();
    r.addEventListener('load', function() {
        document.querySelector('#stats').innerText = JSON.parse(this.responseText).count
    })'GET', '' + encodeURIComponent(location.pathname) + '.json')

Questions or problems?

Feel free to get in touch if you’ve got any questions or having any problems; a lot of times they can be resolved without too much problems.

Ways to contact me: show